El Pastor Daniel Martin ha servido en nuestra iglesia como Director de la Junta Directiva y como Lider Director Ejecutivo desde el comienzo del Centro Familiar Cristiano.
El Pastor Daniel es parte de los miembros fundadores de la Iglesia y desde entonces, ha coordinado todas las fases de la construccion y operacion del Centro Familiar.
Su devocion por el Señor y su amor por la humanidad ha inspirado nuestra comunidad por todos estos años.
Nuestro Dios lo ha usado para hacerlo un devoto lider con compasion y amor para nuestra Iglesia.
Daniel ha estado casado con su esposa Ruth por mas de 50 años. Ellos comparten su vida con sus cuatro hijas.
Si desea contactar al Pastor Daniel Martin, por favor envie un email a dmartin@cfcristiano.net
Pastor Daniel Martin has serve at our church as a Board of director as well as a Lead Executive Director for the Center since the beginning.
Pastor Daniel is part of the founding members of the church since them he has coordinated all phases of the construction and operations of the Center. His devotion for the Lord and love for mankind has inspired our community for many years. Our God has use him to be a devoted leader with compassion and love for our church.
Daniel has been married to his wife, Ruth over 50 years. They share their lives with their four daughters.
If you will like to contact Pastor Daniel Martin at dmartin@cfcristiano.net